Australian Office Taipei
Australian Office Taipei
Notarial Services 公證服務
Certifying a copy of a document 文件副本認證 (上限5份,僅限澳洲相關文件 例: 澳洲護照,澳洲駕照,或將在澳洲境內使用的它國文件)
Passport services 護照申請 (僅受理填寫完整並且文件備齊的護照申請)
First time Adult Passport / not eligible for renewal application 年滿18歲首次申請十年效期護照/或無法使用更新表格者
Adult passport renewal application for 1 applicant 符合更新資格之成人 (10年效期護照更新,限一位成人)
The Australian Office in Taipei represents Australian interests in Taiwan in the absence of formal diplomatic relations.
The Office provides a variety of services for Australian residents in Taiwan including issuing passports and providing support and assistance to Australians in need.
We are unable to assist with enquiries relating to visas or ongoing visa applications. Our office in Seoul, Republic of Korea (South Korea) manages visa services for clients located in Taiwan. If you require additional information, you may call the Global Service Centre on +61 2 6196 0196, Monday to Friday, from 9am to 5pm.
澳洲辦事處無法提供簽證服務及簽證相關的諮詢。在台灣申請相關簽證服務由澳洲駐首爾大使館的澳洲內政部負責辦理。如果您需要更多資訊,可在週一至週五上午 9點至下午 5點致電全球服務中心,電話:+61 2 6196 0196。
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